Women in High Pressure (WUHP) is a growing group of scientists who are dedicated to fostering connections and representations for female (and other gender minority) scientists in the field of high pressure. WUHP works towards creating a more inclusive and supportive community for women in high-pressure research. The mission of WUHP is to unite and empower individuals in a domain that historically does not reflect our diverse perspectives.
The 2024 Gordon Conference on Research at High Pressures will be held from July 14-19, at the Holderness School, Holderness, New Hampshire, USA.
The high-pressure community is fortunate to have two awards that are given at this conference to recognize contributions to this field by young researchers. The J.C. Jamieson Award and the Alvin Van Valkenburg Award are given to promote the memory of two pioneers in high pressure research.
Iranian women are leading a cultural renaissance with massive support from the university students with the rallying cry "Woman, Life, Freedom". University campuses have been at the center of the waves of protest sweeping through Iran, and the academic community of Iran has suffered enormous damage. An increasing number of Iranian students and faculty, who are among the brightest minds of Iran, have been dismissed or suspended and their academic careers damaged. University campuses have a universal standing as places for fostering the free exchange of ideas, including peaceful protests.
The American Physical Society (APS) has announced that a Neil Ashcroft Early Career Award for Studies of Matter at Extreme High Pressure Conditions will be conferred annually, starting from 2023.
Following the new definition of "AIRAPT membership" included in the revised AIRAPT Consitution approved in Rio de Janeiro (2019), a list of AIRAPT Members is now available at:
The AIRAPT Proceeedings page has now been updated, with links to available PDF copies of past proceedings.
AIRAPT has a new logo!
The logo was selected by the AIRAPT Executive Committee among a large number of proposals.
The selected logo was designed by Dr. Philip Dalladay-Simpson (HPSTAR, China), to whom the AIRAPT is deeply indebted for his important contribution. Thanks are also due to all participants in the call, whose artistic and creative designs made the competition tight.
In April 2016, the AIRAPT Executive Committee was contacted by M. François-Yves JULIEN, archivist of the Academie François Bourdon (AFB).
In 2003, the Institut Universitaire de Technologie Le Creusot had asked the AFB to take care of a large amount of AIRAPT documents, and M. Julien needed clarification on their status.
The Executive Committee proposed (*) to deposit these documents at AFB for an indefinite period of time. The AFB will take care of this material, index it and make an inventory.