AIRAPT is the acronym for Association Internationale pour L'Avancement de la Reserche et de la Technologie aux Hautes Pression, the International Association for the Advancement of High Pressure Science and Technology. AIRAPT promotes high pressure science and technology by holding international conferences every two years. At these conferences the Bridgman Award is presented to a person who has made outstanding contributions to this field. The Jamieson Award is presented to a person who has just completed outstanding thesis research for his or her PhD degree or to a postdoctoral researcher. These conferences have plenary, invited, and contributed papers on the wide range of topics of interest to the international community. AIRAPT also provides information on conferences sponsored by other organizations, which are of interest to the community. This information is posted on the AIRAPT Home Page and distributed to members via the Newsletter. The first AIRAPT conference was held in 1965.
Passing of the gavel in Madrid: Passing of the gavel in Madrid: Past President Tetsuo Irifune and Secretary Sakura Pascarelli (left) at dinner with newly elected President Fernando Rodriguez (right, center) and Vice-Presidents Katsuya Shimizu (right, front), Jim Schilling (right, back). Picture taken in Madrid, Spain, at the Joint 25th AIRAPT and 53rd EHPRG International Conference on High Pressure Science and Technology, September 2015. (Courtesy of Tetsuo Irifune).