Call for Nominations for the Bridgman Award

The Bridgman Award is named in honor of P. W. Bridgman (1882-1961), who was Professor of Physics at Harvard University. In 1946 Bridgman won the Nobel Prize in Physics "for the invention of an apparatus to produce extremely high pressures, and for discoveries he made therewith in the field of high pressure physics." He invented the Bridgman anvil apparatus and, over a period of 40 years, he investigated an enormous variety of materials up to ~ 3 GPa (30 kbar) at room temperature. Bridgman was one of the founders of modern high pressure research. More information on the Award, and a list of past Bridgman Award recipients, is available at

The rules for nominations for the Bridgman Award are contained in the By-Laws of the AIRAPT, available at

Nominations can be submitted by anyone except the officers of AIRAPT or members of the Executive Committee. Officers and members of the Executive Committee are not permitted to submit letters in support of candidates.

Any past ExC member - officer, normal member or Ex-officio member - can be nominated for the upcoming Bridgman Award, provided his regular term as ExC committee has come to an end. Membership terminates at the date of the Conference (Year). Nominations are possible for the following Conference (Year+2), and have to be made before 31 October of the year following the Conference (Year+1).

For a nomination to be valid, it must consist of:

  • A typed and signed nomination letter. The nomination letter may be accompanied by not more than 5 supporting letters.
  • An updated two-page Curriculum Vitae supplied by the nominee.
  • A description of the nominee's contributions which can be up to two pages in length, but no more than 1000 words.
  • A list of not more than 12 of the nominee's most significant papers including title, all authors and journal citation, if possible with internet links (do not send reprints or preprints).

In addition, the following requirements must be met:

  • All nomination materials must be submitted by e-mail to the Chair of the Selection Committee with copy to the Secretary of AIRAPT before the deadline. Receipt of a nomination must be acknowledged by the Chair and the nominating person is to keep a record of that acknowledgement. It is the responsibility of the nominating individual to make sure that the application material has been received in due time.
  • Before submitting a nomination, the nominating person should first check with the nominee whether he/she would accept the Award.
  • Previous nominations are no longer active but can be resubmitted.
  • Any person can be nominated except the Officers and members of the Executive Committee of AIRAPT.

The Chairman of the Selection Committee for the Bridgman Award is the most recent winner.

Nominations must be received by the Chairman of the Selection Committee not later than ....

N.B. As approved during the AIRAPT General Assembly in Mumbai, 2011, the By-Laws state that all the current Executive Committee members and Officers cannot be nominated. However, they should have right to resign from these positions, and those who strongly believe themselves deserving the Bridgman Award, please let the President know their will to resign before being nominated.

AIRAPT President:
AIRAPT Secretary: